Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Do I Leave the Band On My Cigar?

Cigars can be a great way to spend the time, whether you are among friends or relaxing alone at your house. Many people smoke cigars as a way to wind down after a long day or to start their weekend. When people first get into the hobby of cigar smoking, they will find that there is a lot to learn especially when it comes to getting the proper pipe lighter for their cigar, choosing the perfect cutter, and even the etiquette that goes along with smoking.

Consider the band on the cigar. Is it right to leave the band on? Well, this depends on a couple of things. If you are simply having a quiet evening at home alone and you want to light up, there is no problem with leaving the band on the cigar. Keep in mind though that if you keep the band on when you are smoking among friends who are cigar aficionados or at a public place, leaving on the band could be thought of as a breach of etiquette. Why would something as simple as a band on a cigar matter?

The band acts as a label, and this label can tell others everything about the cigar. They will know the type of cigar, they will know where it was made, and they will even have a good idea of how much you spend on the cigar. Knowing all of these things can give people a preconceived impression of you as a person.

When you have an expensive cigar and leave the band on, it can look as though you are bragging about your wealth in some people's eyes. You can avoid the envious glares of others around you by simple removing the band and enjoying your cigar.

Since most people don't like to brag and consider it unbecoming, you can simply remove the band. The best way to remove the band easily is by lighting the cigar and smoking it for a moment. As the heat course through the cigar, it will loosen the label and make it easy to remove. You can discretely remove the label and discard it without inadvertently offending anyone. Etiquette is very important in the world of cigar smokers, and if you want to do things right you should take the time to learn the various traditions.

Brian is a consultant for an online specialty torch lighters store and has expert knowledge of cigar accessories, including pipe lighters.

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