Currently in the UK, most companies would be severely hampered were it not for support workers solving problems with both computers and networks, while giving advice to users each and every day. Our requirement for increasing numbers of qualified personnel grows, as we become consistently more dependent upon PC's in today's environment. Always expect accredited simulation materials and an exam preparation system as part of your course package.
Avoid relying on non-accredited preparation materials for exams. The way they're phrased can be completely unlike authorised versions - and this could lead to potential problems when it comes to taking the real exam.
You should make sure you verify your knowledge through tests and mock ups of exams to get you ready for the actual exam.
Most training providers only provide support available from 9-6 (office hours) and sometimes later on specific days; not many go late into the evening (after 8-9pm) or cover weekends properly.
Never accept certification programs which can only support trainees with an out-sourced call-centre message system when it's outside of usual working hours. Training companies will try to talk you round from this line of reasoning. The bottom line is - you need support when you need support - not at times when they find it cheaper to provide it.
Keep looking and you'll come across the top providers that provide their students direct-access support all the time - at any time of day or night.
Never compromise when you're looking for the right support service. Most trainees who throw in the towel, are in that situation because of a lack of support.
The way a programme is physically sent to you isn't always given the appropriate level of importance. How many stages do they break the program into? What is the order and how fast does each element come?
Most companies will sell you a program spread over 1-3 years, and drop-ship the materials to you piecemeal as you complete each section or exam. Sounds reasonable? Well consider these facts:
What happens when you don't complete every exam? What if you don't find their order of learning is ideal for you? Due to no fault of yours, you may not meet the required timescales and not get all the study materials as a result.
In an ideal situation, you'd ask for every single material to be delivered immediately - enabling you to have them all for the future to come back to - at any time you choose. Variations can then be made to the order that you complete your exams if you find another route more intuitive.
It's not uncommon for companies to offer inclusive exam guarantees - inevitably that means paying for the exams at the start of your training. However, prior to embracing a course with such a promise, why not look at the following:
Of course it isn't free - you're still paying for it - it's just been wrapped up in the price of the package.
Evidence shows that when trainees fund their relevant examinations, one at a time, there's a much better chance they'll pass every time - because they'll be conscious of the cost and therefore will put more effort into their preparation.
Take your exams somewhere close to home and look for the very best offer you can at the time.
Many questionable training course providers make big margins by getting paid for exams at the start of the course and hoping either that you won't take them, or it will be a long time before you do.
It's also worth noting that exam guarantees often have very little value. The majority of companies won't pay for you to re-take until you can prove to them you're ready to pass.
Spending hundreds or even thousands extra on 'Exam Guarantees' is naive - when study, commitment and preparing with good quality mock and practice exams is what will get you through.
To find more details about this section! fell free to visit S. Edwards site at or MSCA Training For You
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